At the beginning of every semester, I have my students create a name card with an "intention" on the back. The intention is a written, visual reminder of a goal or objective they've set for themselves. It's meant to help them establish a direction that can guide their actions and motivate them throughout the year. The various intentions are always fascinating to hear, but they all have one thing in common, in that they are driven by purpose. In business parlance, it's become popular to set Big, Audacious, Hairy Goals (BAHGs). Below are a few intentions of my own: |
BAHG #1 : Win a teaching excellence award. Meaningful recognition is just as important for teachers as it is for students. I aim to be known as the kind of teacher whose students race to register in my classes at the beginning of every semester.
BAHG #2: Finish my doctorate.There are surprisingly few people in the industry with terminal/advanced degrees in Advertising. I am pursuing my Doctor of Business Administration through Athabasca's DBA program, with research focused on the intersection of memes and advertising. |
BAHG #3: Publish on the topic of Creativity.As a former industry creative who spent almost two decades in senior leadership roles, teaching creativity is a true passion of mine. I believe everyone is capable of creativity, and am interested in providing continued thought leadership on the topic.
In my LinkedIn profile (link below), I've written "the following: "I’ve learned that the business I love (advertising) is just that – a business. And that business needs creativity more than ever to help solve its problems."
Creativity is a skill set which isn't going away anytime soon. I'd like to be responsible for helping mold the next set of industry stars and unleashing them on the world so that they become recognized and sought-after talent on an international level.
Creativity is a skill set which isn't going away anytime soon. I'd like to be responsible for helping mold the next set of industry stars and unleashing them on the world so that they become recognized and sought-after talent on an international level.
Joe Musicco
[email protected] |